"Walk and Talk" with The Old Scotch Bushwalking Club

Earlier this month, Foreshore Rangers Kristy and Brendan were joined by The Old Scotch Bushwalking Club for a Bush ‘Walk and Talk.’
We began our walk at Chinamans Creek, where the Club learned about our significant fauna. This included stories about our Endangered Swamp Skink - Lissolepis coventryi and the incredible migratory journey of our Short-finned Eel - Anguilla australis.
We continued our walk along the Foreshore using specialised camera equipment to peep inside some Nestboxes, where we saw baby Galahs and Crimson Rosellas, too cute!
As the group learned of Capel Sound Foreshore’s 100 indigenous plant species, they tasted some our edible indigenous flora including Bower Spinach - Tetragonia implexicoma and Saltbush - Atriplex cinerea.
All in all, it was a wonderful morning! Big thanks to the Club for joining us and for their kind donation towards purchasing more Nestboxes for our amazing animals!

Capel Sound Foreshore